Ferguson Laboratory
The Ferguson Lab employs molecular simulation, machine learning, and statistical thermodynamics to understand and engineer molecules and soft materials.
The Ferguson Laboratory is an interdisciplinary computational and theoretical research group at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago.
We work on problems in molecular and materials science using theory and tools from statistical thermodynamics, molecular simulation, applied mathematics, bioinformatics, high performance computing, and machine learning (usually manifold or deep learning).
Our research interests lie broadly in the investigation of equilibrium and dynamic properties of soft matter, with specific interests in the self-assembly of biological and bio-inspired materials, machine learning enhanced sampling, inference and control of biomolecular folding and assembly landscapes, collective variable estimation, statistically optimal sampling and free energy estimation, vaccine design, and protein engineering.
We offer research opportunities to post-docs, graduate students, undergraduates, and high-school students. Trainees receive rigorous academic training and professional mentorship to produce the next generation of scientists and engineers capable of engaging challenging problems in molecular and materials science. We are committed to a group culture that emphasizes respect and inclusion and which welcomes and supports diverse viewpoints and perspectives and an atmosphere of free and open scientific inquiry.